31 Days Off Social Media Changed My Life
31 Days Off Social Media Changed My Life

31 Days Off Social Media Changed My Life

You can add me to the list of people who’ve cheesily announced their “break” from social media. Before you write me off, here’s why:

In December, my brain started to feel so scattered – more than usual. Like those Tik Tok videos, my brain was a full remix of every trending audio. I felt stuck in my creativity and felt like it was too easy to get sucked into a few hours of scrolling instead of doing the things I wanted to do like: create content, write and strategize. Thus, I decided to take all of January off all social media platforms. As I write this now, after more than 30 days being back on social, I’m tempted to do this again as I felt like all my creativity got squished again very quickly after returning. The addiction is real! However, it might sound dramatic to say the 31 day break changed my life – but it did.

Here’s why:

  • It took until day 11, but when it hit, I felt like that “slump cloud” of mundane floated away from me and I was able to think more creatively about what I want to do and create.
  • I read 15 books. I’d missed reading and I love reading books that grow me spiritually, financially and in character.
  • I was able to take two online courses to learn something new.
  • I was able to get more clear on my goals and plan actual actions to take myself forward. This is something I struggle with as I can typically easily see the big picture but have a hard time taking those small steps to get there.
  • Actually picked up publishing on my blog for the first time in SIX YEARS. This is something I’ve been really passionate about and have “planned” forever but have never found the time and motivation to create (I also create content for a living so doing my own stuff after a long day felt hard for a long time – especially while working a full-time AND a part-time job).

The bad:

  • I rediscovered games on my phone. It felt so weird to not hold/look at my phone and I naturally found something else to do while watching tv (I hate that I do this but I live to multitask!). By the end of January I had reached level 300 on Candy Crush. I’m not proud of it haha but I’ve got to be honest. Since being back on social, I’ve stopped playing phone games.
  • Right away, I was grabbing my phone MANY times during the day. I honestly started tracking right away and then realized it was so many and stopped. This luckily dwindled throughout the month.

Final thoughts:

Being able to get ahead on so many things on my list felt so freeing. Not continually consuming content opened my mind to new possibilities, and I was able to better view how I want to go forward in my life and in business. My confidence in myself, my body and my life grew while I was free from seeing everyone else’s “amazing lives and bodies” posted online. It felt good to declutter not only my head but also my home while not seeing all of the ads for things I “must have” (luckily I work in marketing so this doesn’t affect me often). Regardless, it was amazing to get back to basics and LIVE MY LIFE IN THE FLESH – not on a screen. If you’re considering getting off social media for a bit, DO IT. You won’t regret it.