3 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Skin
3 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Skin

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Skin

It’s January 17 – you’ve either given up on your New Year’s resolutions, are rethinking the ones you’ve made or are going strong in new and productive habits. It’s never too late to add one or two more! Here’s a couple less common skin habits for you to consider to work toward better skin!

Clean your pillow case every week.

Although this one might seem obvious, I know quite a few people who don’t wash their pillow case (or sheets) weekly. Keeping your sheets and pillow cases clean will help your skin avoid unneeded bacteria as you lay on them for hours throughout the night.

Clean your phone screen every couple days.

I see a number of clients come into the treatment room wanting to get rid of unwanted blemishes. These pimples often are in the formation of where their phone touches.

Next time you’re on the phone, assess if you are holding your phone screen directly onto your face – and on what side of your face you’re holding it on. If you’re experiencing blemishes on that cheek, there could be a correlation. Avoid spreading this bacteria by cleaning your phone screen every couple days. I use alcohol pads I get from Costco.

Double cleanse your skin in the evening.

I recommend to all my clients to double cleanse their face, neck and décolleté in the evening. The first cleanse takes care of the dirt, sweat, pollution, excess makeup and other debris from the day. The next cleanse cleans your pores. This is very helpful if you’re experiencing blackheads or excess oil. Take extra care on your nose, by your ears and your chin. 80% of your efforts at home are the results of your skin health. Add double cleansing to your routine this year to move toward better skin health.

Note: scrubbing harder will not make your skin cleaner. Avoid “pressing hard” with hand towels or using an exfoliant (scrubs) every single night. This can harm your skin. Also avoid ingredient sodium laurel sulfate (or any of it’s derivatives). This is a foaming agent that strips oil and is too harsh for our skin – however, it’s in a number of skincare. If you’re double cleansing with this, you could dry out your skin.

Commit to any of these things for more than 30 days. They often say 21 days makes a habit, but I find it takes me about 30 or more to really unconsciously take action.

Looking for other New Year’s resolutions for better skin? Here’s some ideas:

  • Drink more water – our skin is the last organ to get the water we drink
  • Upgrade your skincare – investing in the right skincare is important – visit a trusted esthetician who can recommend the right products for your skin type
  • Get a professional skin treatment – visit your local esthetician or commit to going more than usual! Once a month is an idea cadence for optimal skin health
  • Do a face mask once a week – write it on the calendar and commit!
  • Add a treatment serum to your routine – whether it’s more hydration, anti aging, lightening brightening and tightening or other – add something new in!