5 Easy Steps to Better Skin
5 Easy Steps to Better Skin

5 Easy Steps to Better Skin

Did you know that the way you take care of your skin at home is the post important part of making a change in the appearance and health of your skin? Although there are amazing treatments that you can get to speed up or continue progress, what you do every single day makes the biggest difference. If you’re not really sure where to start or what to even get ( I get it, there’s SO many products out there ).

Here’s five things you can start doing at home to take better care of your skin:

  1. Drink more water. Your skin is the last organ to get the water that it needs, many people are dehydrated without even knowing it. What helped me to drink more water was to go buy a cute, nice water bottle that was easy to drink from and always keep it near me.
  2. Take off your makeup everynight. Although that can often be hard when you’re tired (or stumble in at 3 a.m.), it’s so important to take off the dirt and debris that accumulates on your face throughout the day. Makeup can also be comedogenic, meaning that it can clog your pores and give you more blackheads and pimples.
  3. Switch your pillow case every week or two. Dirt, debris and bacteria will build up and it’s good to clean your pillow case clean – and put your clean face on it at night.
  4. Exfoliate your face two to three times a week. Although using a scrub on your face feels so good, your face does not need that every single day. It can actually be harmful. You need to let your skin cells build up again before you exfoliate. Every three to five days is a good amount of time. Also, do not use St. Ives Apricot Scrub – this scrub will scrape your face and is too harmful to the type of skin on your face. If you have any of this, use it on your feet. Find a gentle exfoliant to use instead.
  5. Try not to touch your face or pick at pimples. This is a hard one for me – I’m so expressive and love to touch my face. The dirt and oil on your hands can clog your pores causing blackheads and more pimples. Also, picking at pimples can spread the bacteria and create more pimples. Only pop a pimple if it has a white head on it and is ready to be popped – if a blackhead is taking a lot of work to squeeze out, leave it alone. It may have skin cells still on top of it and may need some exfoliating before it’s ready to get out. Don’t risk pigmenting or scaring yourself to get something out.