6 Steps to Anti-Aging Skincare
6 Steps to Anti-Aging Skincare

6 Steps to Anti-Aging Skincare

Although life continues day-by-day, we’re always looking for ways to slow down time – or slow down the effects that time is having on us.

One of the main things I hear in the spa (or everywhere for that matter) is, “make me look younger.” Even as a young-adult in my 20s, I find myself looking toward products or treatments that will help slow down the signs of aging. There can be many reasons or factors that make your skin look old – but there’s also things you can do at home to help “slow down time.

Possible reasons for aged looking skin:

  • YOU’VE AGED. I figured we’d start with the obvious.
  • Dehydration. When your skin lacks water, it can look tight, frail or even flaky.
  • Drugs and Smoking. You’ve seen the before-and-afters of people on drugs … it isn’t pretty. These people often look YEARS older than they actually are. Smoking cigarettes can also lead to premature wrinkles and lines in the skin – no matter how old you are.
  • Not exfoliating. If you’re not helping to sluff off dead skin a couple of times a week, you can get a build-up of cells and your skin can get really thick and old looking. You may see this look often on older men.
  • The sun. Have you ever heard the term black-don’t-crack? Although it sounds funny, it’s actually super true. People with darker skin tones have more melanin and therefore, more sun protection. The sun is the NUMBER 1 reason for aging and damaged skin. My teacher once told us to ask our grandma to see her bum … because it has no sun damage and doesn’t look as old as her face! SO, as always, I’m telling you to wear your SPF with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and keep reapplying every two hours if you’re going to be outside for long periods of time 🙂 (Even if you have darker skin, you should wear sun screen. Although you do have better sun protection, you can still prevent skin cancer and other sun damage).
  • Not taking care of other areas on your body. Have you ever noticed that someone’s face may look great, but you can still see their age in their neck or hands? People often forget to go beyond their face to take care of other delicate areas that will show your true age, even if you have amazing facial skin care.

Some ways to take care of your face, neck, top of your chest and hands to prevent aging:

  • ~ Usual word-vomit about the importance of SPF use ~ Even on the hands and neck and chest – people often don’t even think about the fact that their hands are getting a lot of sun while driving (yes, the sun rays go through windows). I keep an SPF in my car and apply when I know my hands will be getting sun. It may sound extreme, but I have a light complexion and have also had melanoma!
  • Don’t stretch your skin. Continued stretching of skin will ruin the elasticity and you’ll start to see lines and wrinkles since the skin won’t continue to bounce back forever.
  • Drink water, like, a lot of it. Dehydrated skin will look shallow and thin. Your skin is the last organ to get the water that you’re drinking so make sure you’re drinking enough to get it into your skin cells!
  • Exfoliate every three to seven days. More (every three) if you have oily skin, less (every five to seven) if you have dry skin. Give your skin that young glow you want by getting rid of those dead skin cells.
  • Stay moisturized! Don’t let your skin dry out – find a great moisturizer ( I have recommendations if you need one) for your face and for your body and hands. Continued hand washing and working all day can really take a toll on your hands – lotion up!
  • Eat healthy whole foods and get some exercise. As simple as this may sound, it really can make a world of difference in the appearance in your skin. What you fuel your body with, will show on the outside – and your body is just waiting to sweat out any toxins that it’s trying to get rid of.

If you’re looking for more ways to get your skin healthier, see your esthetician! They should have specific tips on what you can do for your skin type. AND, if you’re behind on your skincare, they can give you a great treatment and recommend products for your skin type to get you started. If you don’t have a current esthetician, come see ME! I’d love to chat about your skin and educate you on how to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Let’s be honest, at the end of the day you’re AGING. It’s just going to happen whether you like it or not. Take care of the body and skin that takes care of, and protects, you every single day. You’ll be glad you did.