Face Mapping
Face Mapping

Face Mapping

This week we were tested on Skin Analysis (I got 100%!!!) and learned more about why getting and giving facial treatments is important for your skin. “Facials help to maintain skin health and can correct skin conditions through deep cleansing, massage and the use of masks and other products.”

An important thing to remember as you’re starting the New Year (and maybe have a resolution to get your health in order), is to go to a dermatologist and get your moles/skin checked. It’s something that everyone should do at leastevery 3 years. Even if you’re not in an area with sun year-round, or you try to stay out of it as often as you can, it’s still good to go get them checked by a professional. You never know. You’re also never too young, when I was 18, I had melanoma on my leg and was shocked. Preventative care is the best kind. Don’t wait to go until something looks super concerning, it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.

Something fun to look up and use to try and better understand why your skin reacts the way it does is Chinese Medicine Face Mapping:


The map above (not my map, credit to http://acupunctureandbeautycentre.com.au/face-reading-for-your-health-with-chinese-medicine) shows internal areas that may be experiencing problems that are showing externally on your skin. For example, my hormones get out of whack and I get acne on my chin. If I eat a lot of dairy, I can get pimples on my cheeks because it causes issues with my stomach. Myself and many others that I know have found this map to very helpful and accurate. Try to use it when you’re experiencing unwanted or random pimples.

This also relates to the fact that issues with your skin can be because of something going on internally. If you have a skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis, you could have a glucose or dairy intolerance (or other things). A great thing to do would be to get allergy tested so you can be sure of your intolerances and avoid putting them in or on your body.

Although I’m studying aesthetics (which is “a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art” for anyone who doesn’t know), and it’s usually used for how things look on the outside, I still want to stress how important it is to be healthy and beautiful on the inside too. If you have clear skin, it doesn’t make you any better than someone who doesn’t. If you have full brows, it doesn’t make you any better than someone who over-plucks. Even if you wear great clothes and love to dress up, it doesn’t make you any better than someone who likes to dress casual and comfy. This year I encourage everyone to stay humble, stay healthy and stay beautiful inside and out. Let’s build each other up as women this year (and every year) and appreciate each other’s beauty without questioning our own.